Project Settings - Design Files

Defining the design files for your UG project

Studio UG Design Files

Studio UG projects are formed of a variety of data. Data that is ultimately destined for sequencing is categorized into 4 distinct data types.

Select a link below for more information on a particular type:

  • Fixed Cross Sectionals(FXS)

    These are created by applying a fixed cross sectional area to a design string (survey line). More...
  • Outlines(OUT)

    These are created by projecting closed strings a set distance perpendicularly, or by projecting them to hanging-wall and foot-wall wireframes. More...
  • Complex Solids (CXS)

    These are created by wireframing two closed strings which may be irregular. More...
  • Wireframes

    Volumes representing underground cavities, which typically do not have uniform dimensions, such as stopes. Imported Wireframes are wireframe files which have been imported from applications such as Vulcan, or created in Studio 5D Planner/Studio UG using the Mineable Shape Optimizer (MSO) tool. More...

Configuring Design Files in Studio UG

Design files are the key input data around which a planning scenario is defined.

In Studio UG you can define multiple files of the same design type (lifting the restriction imposed by the predecessor product, Studio 5D Planner). This greatly increases the options for collaboration between different users and reduce the need for combination (merge) of full projects. You will be able to process and sequence ore development and stopes while the infrastructure and ventilation designs are still work in progress, for example.

The geometry providing the basis for your underground design is contained within one or more input Datamine binary (.dm) files. Design files are first specified, using the Project Settings task, then design definitions are configured to indicate what each element of your design data represents in the schedule (Edit Design Definitions) and applied to the relevant data objects (Apply Definitions).

Design files are added using the green + icon to select one of the project design types (Fixed Cross Sectional, Outline, Complex Solid or Wireframe). This adds a new row to the Design Files table below.

Once a design type is selected, select a file containing the design data. You cannot select a file that already exists in the project.

You can edit a design file source using the ellipsis button that will appear if you click inside the File Name field. This allows you to browse for an alternative file.

The Status of a design file is either [Available] or [Not Found]. Any references to the latter should be investigated as this indicates the specified file has either been removed, relocated or renamed.
Complex Solids and Wireframe design types require a Group Identifier to be specified. This will be any attribute within the selected file (numeric or alphanumeric). Group Identifiers can be used for WFM or CXS objects to define which strings or triangles belong to the same solid. This removes the need for a unique combination of LSTYLE, COLOUR and SYMBOL to identify CXS solids, for example.


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Project Settings
Fixed Cross Sectionals
Complex Solids
Imported Wireframes